For us, the specific requirements of the individual institution are always the first priority. For us, the specific requirements of the individual institution are always the first priority. We guarantee standard solutions adapted to your needs.
Standards are an essential basis for managing and sharing information, especially in the field of museums and cultural heritage institutions. It is very important to work according to agreed principles to ensure consistent results and the highest quality of data and information. Standards are the key to successful data retrieval and research.
zetcom is involved with a number of national and international committees and associations and follows their guidelines and standards in the design of our products.
Well-developed data integration and exchange is based on uniform documentation standards. That is why our products are compliant to the following standards and guidelines:
After 30 months project duration, the Europeana inside project was successfully completed in September 2014. Together with our Athens-based partner PostScriptum Ltd., we participated as technology partners in a consortium of 26 international companies and museums. Among these were our MuseumPlus clients the State Museums of Berlin, The Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels and the Benaki Museum in Athens.
The aim of the project was to achieve a lasting transformation in the quality and scope of digital material contributed to Europeana. The open-source tools developed as part of the project are designed to remove or at least reduce the legal, technical, financial and operational barriers faced by cultural institutions participating in Europeana.
zetcom, as a technical partner, co-developed the new ECK (Europeana Connection Kit) – simplifying data transmission from MuseumPlus to the Europeana application and improving data quality. MuseumPlus is now also ECK-compliant! This new functionality is available on-demand for all clients who would like to deliver their collection data to Europeana.
Do you have any questions about the standards and organizations mentioned on this site? Do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to give you further information.